
The Scout Group now operates 1 General Page and 4 Groups for each section.

The Scout Group Facebook Page – This is a open page, with the main objective of promoting the Scout Group, in a positive light. It sometimes carries section specific photos etc,  which further this cause. Occasionally it will carry information for the whole Scout Group. Anyone can join.

There a 4 section specific Facebook Groups, these are for the Parent / Guardians, where the Young Person is aged over 13, they can also join their own sections page.
Beavers Facebook Group (Monday, Tuesday and Friday)
Cubs Facebook Group (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)
Scouts Facebook Group (Monday and Wednesday)
Explorers Facebook Group (Friday)

No comments should be made about Individual Young People or adults. If you have an issue, you should contact the leader of the Section, by other means.

Any comments, which are deemed to be inappropriate will be removed.

Keeping Safe Resources:
The Thinkuknow website is full of resources for Young People and Adults.
Leaders should read the factsheet issued by the Scout Association